That’s what it tastes like.
Filed Under Only in America | Leave a Comment
Great writing? Check. Humor? Check. In even the smallest piece? Check. This is why I read Esquire Magazine:
Say the cute little four-year-old down the block made a bowl of lemonade but instead of sugar used Splenda and instead of lemons used lemon flavoring and put it in a big bowl filled with ice and set it in the sun so all the ice melted and the “lemonade” got kind of hot and she got bored and went inside and a Labrador retriever came along and lapped some up and then stuck his head in the bowl and got the stuff all up in his nose and sneezed uncontrollably into the bowl for a while. That’s what it tastes like. On ice.
Almost makes me want to try this ready-made margarita. But what would I do with the rest of the bottle? Exactly.
Those are your friends.
Filed Under Beziehungsweise, Spruchreif | 2 Comments
You’ve got an emergency. Who would you call at four in the morning, knowing that they would get out of bed and do whatever they could to help you? Those are your friends. That reduces your Christmas-card list a lot.
(Piers Morgan, TV Host, in Esquire Magazine)
Computerspiele, Zeitschriften und Leser
Filed Under Medienspektakel, PC Player Forever, Spielkram | 9 Comments
Kollege Christian Schmidt schreibt eine Kolumne über manchmal geistfreie Spieletests auf Spiegel Online (hier die Langfassung), Kollege Mick Schnelle antwortet darauf erbost in einer Kolumne auf GamersGlobal, während Kollegin Petra Fröhlich ihre Verstimmung ebenfalls auf Spiegel Online verkündet. Kollege Alexander Laschewski fügt in einer eigenen Kolumne auf AreaGames einige neue Gesichtspunkte hinzu.
Nachdem ich all diese Artikel und mehrere hundert Kommentare dazu gelesen sowie etliche eigene verfasst habe, juckt es mich in den Fingern, der Debatte einen eigenen Kommentar hinzuzufügen, gespeist aus der Erfahrung von 18 meist schreibend verbrachten Jahren.
Allerdings hinke ich durch das Studium der oben verlinkten Werke meinem eigenen Tagewerk etwas hinterher – ich verspreche aber, morgen, spätestens Freitag ein paar hoffentlich schlaue Zeilen getippt zu haben. Ein erster Entwurf steht bereits.
It’s all solid state.
Filed Under Medienspektakel, Random Access Memory | 3 Comments
Most amazing Commodore 64 commercial ever.
Don’t wait
Filed Under Spruchreif | Leave a Comment
If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.
(Mario Andretti, racing driver)
Really really like this one.
Enough sleep
Filed Under Spruchreif, Viva la Musica | Leave a Comment
You tend to do more if you have a good attitude about things, and part of that is getting enough sleep.
(Sheryl Crow, singer, in an interview in the San Francisco Chronicle)
You might think of Crow what you want, but this is good advice. Seven hours per night are your friend. Really.
Not fast enough
Filed Under Internal Affairs, Spruchreif | 2 Comments
If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.
(Mario Andretti, racing driver)
I think I’m reaching the top speed of my life right now.