Pumuckl – worum ging’s? Ein Kobold bringt das Leben eines gemütlichen Schreiners durcheinander. Wer sich an Hans Clarins Stimme gewöhnt hatte, konnte in der Pubertät nahtlos zu AC/DC-Kassetten übergehen.

(aus einer ein paar Tage alten NEON)

I don’t pose. I don’t pose for anybody. Who do you think I am, Paris Hilton?

(Clint Eastwood)

Worry less. Enjoy more. Control what you can, let go of what you can’t. Give yourself a break instead of beating yourself up. Work really hard and play really hard.

(Teri Hatcher)

Do. Or do not. There is no try.


If you don’t believe in God and the devil, I wouldn’t say you’re crazy, but you’re intellectually malnourished, because I defy anyone who doesn’t believe that something created us to give an answer to how we got here.

(Norman Mailer, in einem aktuellen Interview)

Ein Entertainment-Weekly-Leser fragt die Filmkritikerin Lisa Schwarzbaum:

How do critics who are years older than the target audience get inside the heads of teenagers and young adults?

Diese antwortet:

I don’t think the job of any critic is to get inside anybody’s cranium – not that of teens, chicks, comic-book fanboys, not even of middle-aged art-house regulars who never miss a Finnish gem by Aki Kaurismäki. Rather, I think a good critic needs to be able to analyze what a movie is trying to do and then assess how well it fullfills its aims – a job for which movie-going experience beyond young adulthood is necessary.

Eine weise, wahre Aussage. Gültig auch für alle anderen Mediengattungen.


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To live in itself is very rare, most people simply do an extension of what it takes to exist.

(Oscar Wilde)

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