I think there’s only a certain amount of time you can do things you don’t believe in before it takes a toll.

(Christina Ricci)


4 Responses to “To do or not to do”

  1. Andrea on October 18th, 2007 7:18

    Deine oder meine Lage?

  2. Christoph on October 18th, 2007 8:41

    Die Kleine ist eh cool.
    Zum Beispiel, wie sie Richard Fish in “Ally McBeal” zeigt, wo es langgeht.

  3. ro on October 18th, 2007 13:23

    Andrea, sowohl als auch.

  4. Andrea on October 22nd, 2007 7:24

    I think there’s only a certain amount of time you can do everything you like to do before it takes a toll: it is called holyday :-)

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